Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Great War Was Not A White Man s War - 1141 Words
The only roaring that came from minorities in the 1920s were roars against the injustice they faced. The Great War was deemed a white man’s war, which impeccably illustrated society’s opinion of people of colour and women’s worth in this decade. After a period of such trauma, one would think that Canada would have become united, but this was not the case. Minorities experienced the twenties much differently than those who remember the decade as exciting. For instance, aboriginal people were expected to give up their cultures and assimilate into mainstream society. Also, the Klu Klux Klan had made its way to Canada, which threatened immigrants and people from foreign ethnicities. Finally, women spent the decade struggling for equality with†¦show more content†¦Duncan Campbell Scott, Head of Indian Affairs Canada from 1913-1932, spoke for many when he said, â€Å"I want to get rid of the Indian problem. Our object is to continue until there is not a singl e Indian in Canada who has not been absorbed. They are a weird and waning race†¦ ready to break out at any moment in†¦ dances.†(Quinlan et al#######) Additionally, native children in residential schools were not allowed to refer to their own cultures in any way, especially through language. The only language they were allowed to speak was English, a language that none of them knew. If caught, the children were severely punished. Many children experienced physical, sexual and emotional abuse while in residential school. Brenda Cardinal, an aboriginal who once had to stay in residential school, describes how school affected her, â€Å"I became withdrawn, painfully shy, and I just couldn’t communicate with anyone. I couldn’t receive love or show anyone love. I didn’t even love myself.†(qtd in Freeman-Shaw, Haskings-Winner 38) Residential schools had a very negative impact on those who went through the horrible experiences and many of these former students do not have positive stories to share. By the end of the 1920s, there were eighty residential schools in Canada. The forced assimilation of native children had greatly impacted those who went to residential school and will always remain as a dark shadow cast on Canada’s history. In addition, the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) made its way to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Looking at THE MATRIX Films Free Essays
When Robert Gibson created the science-fiction subgenre known as â€Å"cyber-punk†in the novel NEUROMANCER most people had high hopes for this literary movement. This was because the concept of a technologically advanced corporatist dark future had a sense of realism that STAR TREK and STAR WARS missed. Yet, cinematic endeavors in cyber-punk never truly succeeded. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking at THE MATRIX Films or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then, along came THE MATRIX which remains one of the most brilliant of the realistic science-fiction films ever devised. Created by Larry and Andy Wachowski, the plot of THE MATRIX centers on a world where humans live in an internal pseudo-reality world where life is crafted to perfection. When the hero, Neo, discovers this he launches a rebellion against the machines that have placed humans into a suspended animation sleep. At the core of this rebellion is the theme of the film: if reality is not reality then does it have any value? This can be seen as a metaphor for a number of ways in which humans numb themselves into alternative realities whether it is drugs, videogames, consumer culture et al. As such, THE MATRIX was the right movie for the right time and it has become a science-fiction masterpiece with millions of fans. It would be difficult to discuss THE MATRIX without discussing the world in which the story takes place. (That is, THE MATRIX itself) Probably the most difficult aspect of creating science-fiction is making a believable world. Often, science-fiction crafts worlds that while entertaining simply aren’t believable. This detracts greatly from the ability for the film to work. In THE MATRIX, we have an incredibly believable world because the â€Å"the world†exists almost exclusively in the mind. As such, the viewer becomes drawn into the story because there exist some credibility to the fact that the world of THE MATRIX could actually exist. This is the brilliance of THE MATRIX and what makes it such a classic work. THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS is the third film in THE MATRIX TRILOGY (The less said about the second film the better) and it is a sweeping action-adventure film that seeks to bring a final conclusion to the series. The goal of the film is the same as the original film: dissolve alternative reality and bring humans to their original state. This is what makes THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS such an excellent film. It centers on the notion of revolutionary struggle for a good cause. In a way, one could even see parallels to the American Revolution and other colonial liberation struggles and struggles against totalitarianism. As such, THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS becomes a thrilling and engaging film that taps into the natural human sentiment to be free. Yes, it takes place in a fantastic world but this does not make the film any less â€Å"real’. Well, perhaps this is not 100% accurate. If there ever was a major flaw found in THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS it would be that the world of the story deviates from the earthen realness of the original film and delves into the â€Å"space opera†genre. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach although it does make the themes of the film less striking. However, the themes of â€Å"what makes a human†remain as the central focus of the film never deviates from the human struggle for self-actualization. That is a powerful theme no matter how it is presented. Personally, I found the first film in the trilogy to be a brilliant exercise in science-fiction mainly because its mix of realism and surrealism made the film a unique experience. The shift to action-adventure in the third film was somewhat disappointing but the film was still a quality work. Ultimately, it is the themes that appealed to me the greatest and this is why I consider these two films seminal works in the science-fiction genre. Bibliography Hanley, Richard. (2006) â€Å"The Philosophy of THE MATRIX.†Retrieved April 15, 2008 from           http://www.onwardoverland.com/matrix/philosophy.html#reflect Takle, Brian. (2006) THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS EXPLAINED. Retrieved April 15,       2008, from http://wylfing.net/essays/matrix_revolutions.html How to cite Looking at THE MATRIX Films, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay, Research Paper Legalization of Marijuana During the Carter, Reagan, and Bush disposals, eight people in the United States were allowed to utilize marihuana for medicative intents under the Compassionate Investigative New Drug plan. However, since the Clinton disposal no new applications have been accepted. Therefore, other patients who need marihuanas to relieve the sickness and loss of appetency associated with the AIDS viruses and malignant neoplastic disease chemotherapy, every bit good as to handle glaucoma, multiple induration, epilepsy, chronic hurting, and other complaints must go on to endure without the usage of marihuana. Is this just? What could the concluding behind this gratuitous agony perchance be? I thought that one of the intents of authorities was to advance the wellbeing of its persons. Is that non why our state spends one million millions of dollars towards promotions in medical specialty every twelvemonth? So, why aren? T at that place any FDA approved surveies proving the existent effectivity of marihuana in advancement? If it is proved that marihuana does so assist ease the hurting and agony of these hapless people, so why non let it to be prescribed to assist them. We will write a custom essay sample on Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is illegal to devour any prescription drug non prescribed to you. Which makes all prescription drugs illegal, how is this different from marihuana? Certain it may be hooking, but so can caffeine pills. Certain it may be harmful if person misuses it, but so can Ritalin. I merely do non understand how ordering a drug to assist person could be harmful. The least the authorities could make is research the topic a little more. Alternatively, they seem to be making the antonym. In 1994, The Assistant Secretary for Health postponed the concluding meeting that would hold decided whether the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would necessitate government-grown marihuanas to be used in the first medicinal marihuanas research undertaking in over a decennary. The authorities seems to hold no jobs collaring ill people for utilizing marihuana, stating them that there has non been adequate research to verify its medical benefits. However, they are making nil to help in the surveies. A little non-profit organisation called MAPS has been working for two old ages to raise money, develop survey protocols, and obtaining the Food and Drug Administrations blessing for the survey of marihuana. Merely one thing holds them back. They have no legal manner of obtaining marihuana, and the authorities will non give it to them. If a medical missionary in the Rain Forest proclaimed that she had found a new miracle drug to assist ease the hurting of many sick persons, you can vouch that a authorities approved survey would be launched about outright. How is that any different than marihuana? Why is Clinton so anti-marijuana? # 8220 ; The Clinton disposal is seemingly so afraid of being associated with the # 8216 ; M # 8217 ; word that they are even willing to barricade research that could protract AIDS patients # 8217 ; lives, # 8221 ; stated a interpreter for the MAPS organisation. A canvass showed that a humongous sum of 65.5 % of California? s registered electors back up the legalisation of marihuana for medicative intents. Not merely do the citizens support the research, but many Congressmans support it besides. ? I continue to believe that those who can profit from the medical usage of marihuana should be able to acquire the drug when prescribed, ? said U.S. Representative Gary Ackerman. ? I portion your support for the medical usage of government-supplied marihuanas and understand the potency to ease the side effects of many diseases and unwellnesss, including AIDS, ? said U.S. Senator John Glenn. So, if the Senators, Representatives, and the Citizens are all in support of medicative marihuana research, why is nil being done?
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The effect of family conflict resolution on childrens classroom behavior
The researcher has written about the effects of family conflict resolution techniques on a child’s school performance. A child’s behavior in school is affected by various factors but the conflict resolution techniques play an important role. This article has shown how children have been affected by the parent’s behavior.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The effect of family conflict resolution on children’s classroom behavior specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These confliction resolutions in the family structure cause more harm to child if not well managed. Authors states that the conflict resolution in the family influences classroom so strongly that the teachers and schools may not be able to overcome it. Children from conflict ridden perform have aggressive behavior than other children. These children perform worse not because of laziness but due to the interaction of the soc ial and economic rationalities (Brain and Mukherji, 2005). This qualitative study seeks to establish whether family conflict resolution plays a role in the development of certain behavior in the classroom. The study follows an experimental design, involving the observation and interview of individuals. The research is important to all stakeholders because a child’s inappropriate behavior has a way of proliferating into academic achievement. The major aim of research is to ensure there is an understanding of effects of home environment and full academic potential is achieved. One of the core things to do is to manage disruptive behavior by practicing skills that minimize misbehavior. The article has shown that families tend to respond to and influence transformation in child’s behavior. Members of an effective family enjoy a tightly knit social structure in which a solid social associations that directs each other’s interaction. Family sociologists explore how th e family as a social institution operates through the interaction of the different members and the manner in which they shape behaviors, feelings, and opportunities in the institution. Critique of the statistical analysis The aim of this study is to establish whether conflict resolution methods play a role in certain behavior. The behavior will be monitored through observation and oral interviews, and the exercise will be aimed at establishing disparities in behavior levels of participants.Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Responses from the participants regarding the simulations of real life situations will be compared. The aim of this comparison will be to establish any disparities in student’s behavior. The study will also gather data from secondary sources relevant to the topic, and relate it to the results from observation and interviews. Such secondary sources wil l include literature from previous studies and expert opinions on personality development and human learning. Relating this literature to the findings will be beneficial in deducting informed inferences concerning the role of gender in development of classroom behavior and parents conflict resolution. Limitations and assumptions The research method selected will involve study of parent’s conflict resolution techniques. This method will be experimental and required the active participation of the selected individuals to enhance accuracy and reliability in the results. Active participation of individuals could be limited by biases. This would lead to inaccurate results thus rendering the study unreliable. The report addresses the issue of the generalization of the findings. However, with the sample size we cannot draw a general conclusion. The researchers discussed the implications of the study and further research but whether the implications reasonable and complete are, a que stion unanswered. Moral ideals instilled in pupils in an educational institution could hamper the effectiveness of the study in such environments. Since students have been imparted with knowledge concerning desirable behavior, they will not expose their bad behavior during the study. Most of the participants would be mature, with the ability to distinguish between reality and simulation(Aron, Aron and Coups, 2011).. References Aron, A., Aron, E. Coups, E. (2011). Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: A Brief Course. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice-Hall. Brain, C., Mukherji, P. (2005). Understanding child psychology. Oxford: Nelson Thornes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The effect of family conflict resolution on children’s classroom behavior specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This research paper on The effect of family conflict resolution on children’s classroom behavior was written and submitted by user Jakobe Bowen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Contentious Bones a Case Study on the Skeletal System Wh Cliff Essays
Contentious Bones a Case Study on the Skeletal System Wh Cliff Essays Contentious Bones a Case Study on the Skeletal System Wh Cliff Essay Contentious Bones a Case Study on the Skeletal System Wh Cliff Essay Your 80 year-old great aunt, Persis, was placing a canning jar on the top shelf of her pantry when she stepped awkwardly off the stool and twisted her leg at the hip. She felt a sharp pain in her hip and, after collapsing to the floor, found she could no longer stand. She was taken to the emergency room where an X ray showed that the neck of her femur was fractured. More detailed X ray images revealed reduced bone mass in the head and neck regions of the injured femur, in the ends of other long bones of the body and in the vertebrae. Surgery was necessary to repair the fractured femur and a biopsy of the bone tissue indicated that the composition of the osteoid was normal. Healing of the fractured femur is proceeding slowly. 1. What organ(s) is(are) involved? 2. What primary tissue type is involved? 3. What specific type of tissue is affected? 4. What specific types of cells produce the normal microanatomy of the tissue? 5a. What is the significance of your great aunts age and gender? 5b. What normally happens to the microanatomy of the specific tissue you identified as it ages? 6. What age-related alterations in the activities of the cells you identified cause this change in microanatomy? 7. What is the significance of your great aunt being a woman? 8. What disease caused the abnormal anatomical symptoms and led to the fracture? Underline one: Osteoporosis or Pagets disease (osteitis deformans) 9. What aspects of the above description help you distinguish these two possibilities? Explain. 10. What notable anatomical features do the diseased locations have in common? 11. Choose a therapy that is listed in your text and explain how it works to prevent this disease. [If modification of the diet is suggested, which of the basic four food groups would you recommend increasing consumption? ] Novel therapies The orthopedic surgeon suggests a new therapy for your great aunts condition that relies upon the administration of the hormone calcitonin. Your relatives want to understand how this hormone works. 12. What effect does calcitonin have on the organ(s) affected by the disease? 13. What effect does it have on the cells involved? 14. What might its effects be on the body when given in excess of what the body normally produces? 15. What dietary supplement might you recommend to accompany the calcitonin treatment? Why? One of your friends suggests treatment with parathyroid hormone (PTH) since it would elevate plasma calcium levels and would presumably enhance bone formation. 16. Based on the actions of PTH do you think it will be effective in reversing the effects of the disease? Explain.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Darci Pierce and the Murder of Cindy Ray
Darci Pierce and the Murder of Cindy Ray Cindy Ray was eight months pregnant when she was abducted and murdered by an obsessed woman who needed a baby at whatever the cost. The Lie Darci Pierce lied to her husband and friends about being pregnant. She stuffed her clothing a little more each month so she would look pregnant. But as the months wore on, Pierce was running out of excuses for why she had not had her baby. Fearing her pregnancy was the major hold she had on her husband and the reason he married her, the 19-year-old Pierce devised a plan to get a baby. Preparation Pierce studied books about Caesarean operations. She bought the instruments she needed to perform the procedure. And finally, she found the woman who would provide the baby. The Crime On July 23, 1987, brandishing a fake gun, Pierce kidnapped eight-month pregnant Cindy Lyn Ray from the parking lot of a clinic at the Kirkland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ray was returning to her car after having had a prenatal exam inside the clinic. Pierce drove the two to her home where she was set up to perform the Caesarean operation and steal Rays baby girl, but as she approached the house, she saw that her husband was home. She then drove to a secluded area up in the Manzano Mountains. There she strangled Ray with the cord of a fetal monitor which was in Rays purse. She then dragged her behind bushes and ripped at her abdomen with a car key until she could reach the near-term baby. She bit through the umbilical cord, severing the baby from her semi-conscious mother, who she then left to bleed to death. More Lies On her way home Pierce stopped at a car lot and asked to use the phone. Covered with blood, she explained to the employees that she had just had her baby on the side of a highway between there and Santa Fe. An ambulance was called, and Pierce and the baby were taken to the hospital. The attending physicians became suspicious of Pierces story when she refused to be examined. Pressing her further, Pierce changed her story. She told them that a surrogate mother had given birth to the child with the help of a midwife in Santa Fe. The authorities were called, and Pierce was taken into custody. The Truth is Finally Told Reports surfaced that there was a missing pregnant woman from the base. Under the pressure of police interrogation, Pierce admitted to what she had done. She showed detectives where she had left Ray, but it was too late. The 23-year-old Cindy Lyn Ray was dead. Pierce was found guilty-but-mentally-ill of first-degree murder, kidnapping and child abuse and was sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in prison. 1997 - Pierce Seeks a Retrial In April 1997 Pierces new attorney tried to get a new trial on the basis that her previous attorneys failed to follow up on information which could have helped prove Pierce was insane. Had she been found insane instead of guilty-but-mentally-ill she would have been placed in an institution until a judge determined she was sane enough to be released. The bid to overturn her conviction was denied.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
THE ECONO,Y AND MONOPOLIES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
THE ECONO,Y AND MONOPOLIES - Essay Example Monopoly is a concept that strides under macroeconomics. In addition, it is a situation when there is a single seller in the market who acts like the godfather of all products; it means that only the seller may alter prices of the products according to his own intentions. Below mentioned are three reasons (Allison, 2009) in which monopoly would not be efficient: There has been a consensus many times practically that a government intervenes in the decision making of the country in economic activities like monopoly. United States (US) is one of those economies that used antitrust policies to stop a monopoly from occurring. There are several companies that faced problems here in the US and the name of Microsoft is one of them, largest company of software development in the country. The government of the US took several actions against the company to restrict their quota of manufacturing products in order not to build monopolistic stance within the economy. Apart from that, Microsoft was obliged to disclose everything in front of the public before the making and launching of any product in order to minimize the effects of monopoly to comply with the standards and to be in contact with the economic consequences with the country of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Rhetorical analysis of an argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rhetorical analysis of an argument - Essay Example Blake is a Londoner himself and this basic knowledge of his origin establishes the chief nature of logos linked to the ethos so that both may be set in equilibrium with the pathos as readers yield to spontaneous involvement of feeling and making sense of the narrative based on a similar experience. As Blake opens his poem â€Å"London†with â€Å"I wander thro’ each charter’d street; Near where the charter'd Thames does flow†, he means to reflect the state of misery which the city of London was confronted with in the 18th century. Blake lived in the time when tumultuous political affairs of the unscrupulous English authorities prevailed in the period coinciding the French Revolution and under such settings, the structure of law possessed rigidity which resulted to oppression and other unpleasant forms of injustice. Blake gives illustration to this by the repetition of the modifier term â€Å"charter’d†which seems to have gone overboard as th e ruling designates even the river Thames to unnecessary restrictions. Through his literary endeavor in â€Å"London†, Blake laments about the appalling conditions of the capital city which are depicted by the disconcerting sights as viewed from the atmosphere and external appearances of the general public. In his wandering, the speaker in â€Å"London†takes into account how largely keen his physical encounter is of the ailing situation that he becomes drawn to concretize with â€Å"In every cry of every Man; In every Infant's cry of fear; In every voice, in every ban†. These lamentations exhibit the worst extent of London’s depressed scenario which, according to the historical context the poet is looking at, is brought about by the wrongful or inhumane administration of law or political regulations at the time. Blake makes no mention of authorities or governmental body responsible for the complaints delivered in the poem, nevertheless, he implicitly dem onstrates the presence of unseen yet brutish socio-political force behind what may well be imagined as harsh occurrences causing people of 18th century London to suffer. This is widely evident in the third and fourth lines of the first stanza indicating â€Å"marks†which assumes both literal and symbolic meanings. The wandering speaker does not only pass along the streets as an ordinary traveller but as a critical observer who could not help empathizing for every picture he catches sight of particularly when he manages to perceive the outer countenance and feel the â€Å"marks of weakness†and the â€Å"marks of woe.†Though the poet observed London merely as he could in his capacity and limits of time, the scope of his piece spans into the society of the present where its essence proves relevant to some point. â€Å"London†may be considered as a classical work, however, since there are certain political aspects that remain true in application and value in today’s political system, the poem is able to convey relevance in manifesting how the government relates to people and addresses their needs. State corruption still occurs thereby impoverishing communities whose people are heavily or unreasonably taxed yet do not obtain proper returns in exchange of completed duties or who continue to receive minimum wages despite
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Automobile Industry, India Automobile Industry Essay Example for Free
Automobile Industry, India Automobile Industry Essay Following Indias growing openness, the arrival of new and existing models, easy availability of finance at relatively low rate of interest and price discounts offered by the dealers and manufacturers all have stirred the demand for vehicles and a strong growth of the Indian automobile industry. The data obtained from ministry of commerce and industry, shows high growth obtained since 2001- 02 in automobile production continuing in the first three quarters of the 2004-05. Annual growth was 16. 0 per cent in April-December, 2004; the growth rate in 2003-04 was 15. 1 per cent The automobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent between 1992 and 1997. With investment exceeding Rs. 50,000 crore, the turnover of the automobile industry exceeded Rs. 59,518 crore in 2002-03. Including turnover of the auto-component sector, the automotive industrys turnover, which was above Rs. 84,000 crore in 2002-03, is estimated to have exceeded Rs. 1,00,000 crore ( USD 22. 74 billion) in 2003-04. Automobile Dealers Network in India In terms of Car dealer networks and authorized service stations, Maruti leads the pack with Dealer networks and workshops across the country. The other leading automobile manufactures are also trying to cope up and are opening their service stations and dealer workshops in all the metros and major cities of the country. Dealers offer varying kind of discount of finances who in tern pass it on to the customers in the form of reduced interest rates. Major Manufacturers in Automobile Industry Maruti Udyog Ltd. General Motors India Ford India Ltd. Eicher Motors Bajaj Auto Daewoo Motors India Hero Motors Hindustan Motors Hyundai Motor India Ltd. Royal Enfield Motors Telco TVS Motors DC Designs Swaraj Mazda Ltd Government has liberalized the norms for foreign investment and import of technology and that appears to have benefited the automobile sector. The production of total vehicles increased from 4. 2 million in 1998- 99 to 7. 3 million in 2003-04. It is likely that the production of such vehicles will exceed 10 million in the next couple of years. The industry has adopted the global standards and this was manifested in the increasing exports of the sector. After a temporary slump during 1998- 99 and 1999-00, such exports registered robust growth rates of well over 50 per cent in 2002-03 and 2003-04 each to exceed two and- a-half times the export figure for 2001-02. Automobile Export Numbers Category1998-991998-99Passenger Car25468121478Multi Utility Vehicles26543892Commercial Vehicles1010819931Two Wheelers100002256765Three Wheelers2113851535Percentage Growth-16. 632. 8 THE KEY FACTORS BEHIND THIS UPSWING Sales incentives, introduction of new models as well as variants coupled with easy availability of low cost finance with comfortable repayment options continued to drive demand and sales of automobiles during the first two quarters of the current year. The risk of an increase in the interest rates, the impact of delayed monsoons on rural demand, and increase in the costs of inputs such as steel are the key concerns for the players in the industry. As the players continue to introduce new models and variants, the competition may intensify further. The ability of the players to contain costs and focus on exports will be critical for the performance of their respective companies. The auto component sector has also posted significant growth of 20 per cent in 2003-04, to achieve a sales turnover of Rs. 30,640 crore (US$ 6. 7 billion). Further, there is a potential for higher growth due to outsourcing activities by global automobiles giants. Today, this sector has emerged as another sunrise sector. EVEN GROWTH Opposing the belief that the growth in automobile industry has catered only to the top income-stratum of society, Growth of exports of 32. 8 % in the first three quarters of 2004-05, the fastest growth in volumes has come from commercial vehicles as against passenger cars. Between 1998-99 and 2003-04, output of commercial vehicles has grown 2. 8 times compared to the 2. 2 times increase in passenger cars. Furthermore, two-wheeler output continues to dominate the volume statistics of the sector. In 2003-04, for every passenger car turned out by the sector, there were 7 two-wheelers produced. In the two wheeler segment, there is a greater preference for motorcycles followed by scooters, with both production and domestic sales of motorcycles increasing at faster rates than for scooters in the current and previous years. However, mopeds have registered low or negative growth. Export growth rates have been high both for motorcycles and scooters.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration by George D. Pozgar Essay
Chapter fifteen in Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration by George D. Pozgar covered a major topic in health care. I found this chapter the most attention-grabbing of the options given to the students to base their paper on. While the chapter only covered one disease it is how this one disease has affected so many people from patients to health care employees. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome better known as AIDS first appeared in 1981. There are more than 21 million people that have died from the infection of AIDS. A highly contagious blood borne virus caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a fatal disease that destroys the body’s immune system. With the body having a defenseless immune system bacteria and viruses are free to affect the body. I chose to cover the topic of HIV and the effects is has on the health care environment. HIV has had a dramatic effect on the history screening and testing of blood donations. Since May 1985 all blood donated in the United States received testing for HIV antibodies, p 354. Still there are cases of negligence when the collection of blood is done. In 1983, a blood center knowing that blood from homosexual and bisexual men should not be accepted. The blood center even had a written policy stating that donors who volunteer that they are gay should not be allowed to give. In the case of, J.K & Susie L. Wadley Research Inst. v. Beeson, Mr. B a patient received several units of blood from the blood center during his surgery. Mr. B later going back to the hospital for being sick tested positive for HIV and his wife tested positive. At trial, damages of $800,000 were awarded to Mr. B’s widow. Failing to follow their policy cost a significant amount of money. Patients... ...In conclusion, since the first documented case of HIV and AIDS in the 1980s, it has affected health care in several ways. Donor centers have changed their screening of donors and testing ways of the blood collected. It has increased the awareness needed for taking universal precautions when dealing in any patient care. Medical equipment modified to protect health care providers from accidentally being stuck with infected needles. Health programs designed to educate patients and raise awareness of the disease among the at-risk population. HIV and AIDS have had an impact on patient care but in a positive way also. Works Cited Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration by George D. Pozgar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_transfusion Bordelon v. St. Francis Cabrini Hospital J.K & Susie L. Wadley Research Inst. v. Beeson, 835 S.W.2d (Tex. Ct. App. 1992)
Monday, November 11, 2019
Promote person centred approaches Essay
Person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care. The individual is at the centre of the care and are involved in every aspect of it. This ensures that their support, activities, care plans and support plans are tailored to the individual and meet their needs in a way that is appropriate to them. There are person-centred values which must be used to underpin the above. These are respect, partnership, individuality, rights, choice, privacy, independence and dignity. In following the values, people are then empowered to live their lives and achieve their potential. A care plan details a persons needs and wishes, what is being done to meet them and who is involved in doing so. If a care plan is person-centred it reflects their individuality and will contain their own views and wishes, inform you about what they think is important and how they feel about their circumstances and tell; you how they want to live their life. By knowing this, it means you can support them to live how they want and achieve their dreams, recognising their choices and ideas. Read more: Define person centred values essay There are factors which influence the capacity of an individual to give consent. Having the capacity means having the physical or mental ability to do something, and consent means having the ability to give informed permission for something to happen. It also implies the individual understands what their decision means. The ability to give consent comes from being able to understand complex and abstract ideas or concepts without the need for evidence. You have to be able to weigh up the pros and cons and make a decision. Therefore you need to be able to understand the risks and benefits of a situation, be able to freely express your thoughts, ask questions and have the time to process the situation. Personal values and beliefs, the level of education and a person’s communication skills impact on their ability to make a decision. As does, having their thoughts and opiuons respected, treated with dignity and knowing theywont be judged for the decisions they do make. If consent can not be readily established you need to adapt your approach to the individual. For example if a person needs time to process information and go over it time and time again, then you do that till they are ready. Some people are unable to consent due to their learning disability or medical condition. In this case, the individual will have a representative will act in their best interests. Any decisions already given consent too would be found in their care plan. Family members are a great point of contact. Active participation is about working in a way which respects the individual’s right to participate in life as independently as possible. They are seen as active participant or partner. To apply active participation to an individuals needs you would make sure you are aware of their likes, dislikes, wishes and also their abilities. You would then use this knowledge to come up with a plan that best suits the individual. This ensures a happy outcome for everyone. It is person-centred and put the individual in control and living an independent life where possible. Sometimes an individual needs support to challenge or question a decision about them which is made by others. You can do this by supporting the individual to decide what they want to do and how they will do it, ensuring they understand the decision that has been made and help them think through why they want to challenge the decision. You can identify who else you might be able to get involved to help out and consider if an advocate would be necessary. Arranging a meeting to address their concerns can also be done. Identity, self-image and self-esteem are all linked. Self-image is all about how we see ourselves, and our opinions of our won worth. Self-esteem is all about being confident in who we are and out sense of value. Identity is knowing who you are, what makes you unique, your personality and characteristics. If you don’t know who you are as an individual then you are more likely to struggle with a low sense of value which creates a negative self-image and low self-esteem. This can manifest in individuals behaviour, ability to make simple decisions, express themselves and make choices. Wellbeing is a feeling that you are feeling well and doing well. There are many factors that influence this. The practical aspects of life factors are income, employment, quality of living environment, physical and mental health and access to services and amenities. There are also factors in relation to personal and social relationships which are support networks, loving and intimate relationships and relationships with the wider community. Values and attitudes also contribute to wellbeing. These are an individual’s sense of purpose and value, their hopes, dreams and fears, their satisfaction with life, what they think and feel about themselves and any moral or spiritual codes of behaviour. How people are treated by society and their life experiences play a part in how they see themselves and therefore affect their sense of wellbeing. Risk taking and risk assessments relate to rights and responsibilities. The exercise of individual rights goes side by side with the individual taking responsibility for the outcomes of their decision. Therefore, you need to be sure that the individuals have the capacity to make an informed decision and fully understand any potential consequences. Risk assessments need to be regularly reviewed as peoples needs and abilities change, especially if their health deteriorates as they may be expected to do more than they can manage. Also, if an activity was agreed to develop skills and confidence, by not reviewing the risk assessment, your are undermining everything they have achieved and they won’t be able to continue to progress.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reflective Report for Introduction to Financial Accounting
Reflective Report During the last term, i have had learned some knowledge from the subject called introduction to finical accounting. For me, this is the first time I had chance to learn this subject, before that I just heard some information about IFA by reading the FT newspaper and watching the news. When I start learning that, this subject gives me the impression that it is difficult to understand. During the past few months, I can say I already mastered some of the skills in IFA.I can still remember the first lecture I had learned was the definition of the â€Å"Accounting Equation†, I can conclude that the most important thing you must master is you should try to distinguish the meaning of the capital, assets and liability. Assets are economic resources of the business that are expected to bring benefits for the business in the future, the Important point is it can bring you benefits in the future instead of consuming at the end of the year. Capital, we can also called ow ners’ equity is the economic resources that was contributed by the owners of the business to the business.The last component is liability which is the name given to the amounts owing to these people or organizations for these assets. The format of the accounting equation is capital + liabilities = assets. When I learn this subject, I think the interesting part is the double entry which is the basic part of the whole subject. What I have learned is each transaction requires one debit entry and one credit entry and for each pair of entries: the left hand side must therefore equal right hand , only you know how to put the items into debit part or credit part can you prepare the account correctly.In my opinion, mastering this skill essentially is very necessary for my future careers. I think the future financial professional is not limited in numeracy skills. The reason is this area is requiring the accountant have ability to be able to explain and analyze the transactions, maste ring numeracy skills is essential for every accountants but I think the most important factor is having an analytical ability in order to deal with different types of transactions efficiently.Back to the subject, besides the double entry, the next basic point is the transactions analysis, which is very significant to future professional, always be awareness of professional judgment and personal effectiveness. When we going to analyze one transaction, the first thing we should concentrate on is transaction whether cause stock to increase or decrease. Stock increasing consists of the purchase of additional goods and the return into the business goods previously sold. However, stock decreasing involves the sale of goods and goods bought by the business now being returned out to a supplier.When you handle one transaction the first step is going to prepare Journals, determine nature and double entry of each of the transactions. The second step is open up T-account and post entries as you go through the Journals. Once posting complete, â€Å"Close†accounts for the month. The third step is transferring all ledgers to trial balance. It required the total of all debit balances should equal the total of credit balances. I also learn how to prepare the statement of income, according to the format gross profit= sales – cost of sales, calculate the gross profit then plus other income and minus expenses calculate net profit or loss.The next stage is starting to prepare the balance sheet. The balance sheet comprises those accounts with balances that not included in the income statement. A properly drawn up balance sheet should have five categories of entries: Non-current assets, Current assets, Non-current liabilities and Capital. All above these skills support me to develop the technical and functional expertise gradually. The skills I have developed are all for preparing accounts manually. Tutor also takes highly of the importance of using MYOB project.In ou r day-to-day studying time, most of time we prepare accounts manually, but we also should try to use a computer package to prepare accounts. Let me indicate my feeling when I use MYOB. When I handle one transaction I should create one computer and write related information in detail, then start to prepare a journal according to the transaction. Write the date accordingly, when I use this software, I don’t know where to start. I find the significance of understanding double entry; you should know each transaction whether is assets account capital account liability account.If put it in a wrong entry, what we have done is all in vain. I ought to also prepare account for bank, purchase, sales and depreciation, this procedure is a little complex. When I prepare T-account at the same time I must recorded. Return back the main menu select the report, it shows the trial-balance, different statement of income and statement of financial position, all of that will appear automatically i n place of preparing manually. Have ability to good use of MYOB project is very necessary, which will avoid existing of errors so as to save time and help you become professional.Through MYOB project and prepare account manually, I am aware of the importance of numeracy skills to a future financial professional. Numeracy skill means have ability of counting correctly, distinguishing between sets of unequal quantities, operations such as subtraction and addition. So, numeracy is a foundation of the financial professional in order to make sure the transaction smooth going. Moreover, IT skills are playing an important role to the financial professional, according to Professor Jane K.Winn (2000) of the University Of Washington School Of Law, â€Å"Financial institutions were at the forefront in creating the global information economy as it exists today. †We can conclude that finance cannot live without information technology skills. Information technology concentrates on the gro wth of electronic networks that exchange information. The reason why IT is so important for financial professional is that all financial transactions contain the exchange of information, the increasing popularity of online finance accorded with advances in IT fields.After finishing the bookkeeping test, I can summarize some of my learning experience and I have my own notions in learning some of difficulty parts. The learning style I preferred is when you are taught a new topic, you should fully understand it immediately in case of delaying it into another day. In addition, you’d better do a revision at the end of the weekend; this will help you master this topic better. However, I also suffered some difficulties during the last few months, when I learn a topic called depreciation; I always confused with depreciation for non-current assets and disposal.Therefore, . I always prepares wrong account for disposal and provision for depreciation due to the wrong depreciation figure. Though, I try to find out the effective method to solve this problem. Try to distinguish the time that owner buy or sale the machinery so as to prepare the cost account and provision for depreciation account properly. The core point is loss/profit on disposal that will always ignored. I always remind myself to balance the disposal account as the first step, after that working out the loss/profit on disposal, finally put it into the income statement.The provision for doubtful debts account has a similar issue as the disposal account. In my view, the most annoying thing is combine the expense account with the accrual and prepayment account, it always made me crazy. But I never give up; always keep the faith to solve these problems. I think the best way to avoid this confusion is totally up to you. Once you have made a mistake, you must discover the weakness of this part and try your best to solve this problem so that you will never make the same mistake over and over again.This metho d would not only be helpful for your learning in the future, but also would bring a surprise and achievability to you. Another main point is being awareness of cooperation. Through discussing with your friends, you can also easy to find the solution. My tutor helps me a lot during the last few months as well. He told me how to analyze the workshop questions step by step. When I was in trouble, he inspires me a lot and helps me to solve the problems. As the year progresses, I changed a lot. Those skills I have developed helped me become more logical and meticulous when deal with the different types of accounting transactions.Additionally, I have made my brain more clearly by writing the reflective report. I can reflect on what I have learnt last term and which parts should I improve? After doing my learning experience, I find an effective way to prepare accounts and analyze transactions. Thinking a lot and doing more exercise will also bring me more benefits for my exam and future ca reer. Reference: Jane K. W (2000), University of Washington School of Law: Catalytic Impact of Information Technology on the New International Financial Architectureâ€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sociology Essay The WritePass Journal
Sociology Essay Introduction: Sociology Essay ). Determinists argue that thought processes are affected by language (Boroditsky 2001; Boroditsky, et al 2001, 2003, 2004). Nevertheless, this approach fails to recognise the fluidity of language, which is seen in the development of diaspora communities (Canagarajah, 2007; Haughen, 1972). The perceptions and the ideology of the researcher influence their examination of language, its language links to culture and impact of the person (Zahedi, 2008). Hence, the best model of determinism is ascertained by the researcher’s methodological approach. The empiricist is best suited to the Sapir- Whorfian Hypothesis, because it focuses on linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism (Mooney, 2010). The strong form that â€Å"language determines thought†(Zahedi, 2008, p.29) has been rejected. Instead the viable form is the soft approach, which states language affects thought patterns (Bilik, 2002; Zahedi, 2008). This has been supported by a number of studies (Boroditsky 2001; Boroditsky, et al 2001, 2003, 2004). This is an anthropological approach to language (i.e. externalist approach). Thus, language develops in a flexibly, especially when different cultures clash (Bilik, 2002). Culture clash will have two effects, the first is that the language will adapt to the new community (Collinge, 2002, p. 254; De Bot Stoessel, 2002). Thus, a broader understanding of language needs to be engaged with, such as the Saussurean approach. The Saussurean is an internalist approach, which identifies the arbitrariness of linguistic signs identified in the externalist framework (Zahedi, 2008, p.25). This article argues both the internalist and externalist approaches to language are necessary. Thus, Zahedi (2008) argues that just focusing on Sapir- Whorfian determinism will limit sociological understandings of language. A broader application of language and culture is essential, especially in the multicultural or transnational community (Safar, 2004). This is because clashes between cultures or resident state and HL preservation can change the perceptions of the person (Knight, 2002). The application to the Multicultural London is interesting, because the use of West Indian patios in other communities is clearly identifiable. It seems that this language has become part of the urban landscape. Thus, applying a narrow assimilative approach is not appropriate. Rather, a mixed approach to determinism is necessary, in order to understand how language affects the person and its connection to the social landscape (i.e. the link between West Indian patois and London’s urban landsc ape. . References: Alfonsi, C, Kokot, W Toloyan, K (2004). Diaspora, Identity and Religion: New Directions in Theory and Research London: Routledge Bilik, N. (2002). The Ethnicity of Anthropology in China: Discursive Diversity and Linguistic Relativity. Critique of Anthropology Vol 22, No 2, 133-148 Blunt, A. (2007). â€Å"Cultural Geographies of Migration: Mobility, Transnationality and Diaspora†Progress in Human GeographyVol. 31, Iss 5: 684-694 Blunt, A. and Dowling, R. (2006) Home. London: Routledge Boroditsky, L, Phillips W, and Schmidt., LA. (2004) Can Quirks of Grammar Affect the Way You Think? Grammatical Gender Categories and the Mental Representation of Objects. Manuscript. Stanford, CA: Stanford University. Boroditsky, L,. Schmidt, LA and Phillips, W (2003). Sex, Syntax and Semantics. in Language in Mind: Advances in the Study of Language and Thought, edited by D. Gentner and S. Goldin-Meadow. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press., pp. 61-67 Byon, A. (2003). Language socialization and Korean as a heritage language: A study of Canagarajah, S. (2007). Lingua Franca English, Multilingual Communities, and Language Acquisition. Modern Language Journal Vol 91, pp. 923-939 Cohen, R (2008). Global Diasporas: An Introduction London: Routledge Collinge, NE. (2002). An Encyclopaedia of Language Taylor Francis De Bot, K and Stoessel, S. (2002). Introduction: Language and Social Networks. International Journal of the Sociology of the Language Vol. 2002. Iss. 153. 1-7 Fairclough, N. (2001). Language and Culture London: Longman Gammage, S. Paul, A. Machado, M. Benitez, M. (2005). Gender Migration and Transnational Communities. A Draft Prepared for the Inter-American Foundation April 2005 Washington DC. Retrieved from: http://previous.wiego.org/pdf/Gammage-Gender-Migration-Transnational-Communities.pdf Gibbons, J., Ramirez, E. (2004). Maintaining a minority language: A case study of Hispanic Teenagers. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters Giles, H. (Ed). (1984). The dynamics of speech accommodation. International Journal of the Sociology of Language pp. 46 Haller, W and Landolt, P. (2005). The Transnational Dimensions of Identity Formation: Adult Children of Immigrants in Miami Identity Formation 1182-1209 Harris, R. (2006) New Ethnicities and Language Use. London: Palgrave Hawaiian classrooms. Language, Culture and Curriculum Vol 16, 269–283 He, AW. (2010). The Heart of Heritage: Sociological Dimensions of Heritage Language Learning. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics Vol. 30, 66-82 Hojat, M., D, Foroughi, H. Mahmoudi, F. Holakouee. (2010). A Desire to Return to the Country of Birth as a Function of Language Preference: An Empirical Study with Iranian Immigrants in the United States. International Migration, Vol 48 Iss. 3, 158-173 Honeycutt, C Cunliffe, D. (2010). The Use of the Welsh Language on Facebook: An initial investigation. Information, Communication Society Vol. 13, Iss. 2 226-248 Knight, WA. (2002). Conceptualising Transnational Community Formation: Migrants, Sojourners and Diasporas in a Globalised Era. Canadian Studies in Population Vol. 29, Iss. 1, 1-30 Lam, SEL and Warriner, DS. (2012). Transnationalism and Literacy: Investigating the Mobility of People, Languages, Texts and Practices in Contexts of Migration. Research Reading Quarterly Vol 47, iss. 2, pp. 191 Mooney, A. (2010). Language, Thought and Representation in Language, Society and Power: An Introduction 3rd Edition (eds, Mooney, A, Stilwell Pecci, J , Labelle, S et al) Routledge Portes, A (2003). ‘Conclusion: theoretical convergences and empirical evidence in the study of immigrant Transnationalism’, International Migration Review, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 874-892 Safran, W. (2004). Deconstruction and Comparing Diasporas. New York: Taylor Francis Schupach, D. (2008) Shared Languages, Shared Identities, Shared Stories: A Qualitative Study of Life Stories by Immigrants from German-Speaking Switzerland in Australia Frankfurt: Peter Lang Singer, A. (2004) â€Å"The Rise of New Immigrant Gateways,†Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, The Brookings Institution, The Living cities Census Series, Washington DC, February 2004. Singer, A. S. Friedman, I. Cheung and M. Price (2001) â€Å"The World in A Zip Code: Greater Washington D.C. as a New Region of Immigration,†Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, Brookings Greater Washington Research Program, The Brookings Institution. Walter, B. (2001), Outsiders inside: whiteness, place and Irish women. London: Routledge Zahedi, K. (2008). â€Å"Determinist Inquiries: Debates on the Foundation of Language†International Inquiries: Debates on the Foundation of Language Vol. 1, Iss 1, 26-50
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay
Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party History Essay Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party wholeheartedly believed that by applying a selective breeding scheme encouraged by social Darwinism, that the human genome could be greatly improved – similar to applying this notion towards breeding superior strains of dog and cattle as seen today. Although it is may be difficult to comprehend the true nature to why Hitler formulated and articulated the ideas of racial policies, in which is now commonly referred to as Nazi ideology; it is widely acceptable that Hitler and the Nazi’s developed and implemented such doctrines in order to protect what they believed to be ‘the superior race’. However, this foolishness resulted in the ‘final solution’, it justified the genocide of approximately â€Å"11 million European Jews† [ 1 ]  in which the Nazi’s judged as ‘the inferior race’. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, coined the survival of the fittest was observed and appli ed to the diversity and complexity of life on earth. However, Hitler crudely manipulated this concept in order to protect and encourage the breeding of the Aryan ‘master race’ [ 2 ]  . The Nazi party â€Å"†¦went further, convincing themselves that, as mankind had become the dominant species through strengthening the features that distinguish humans from lesser beings and handing them down to succeeding generations, so it would be possible to enhance the race by deliberately choosing to breed from men and women whose qualities you wanted to see preserved. The corollary was the suppression, by extermination or enslavement, of people whose undesirable characteristics would pollute the mix† [ 3 ]  . This entailed preventing those perceived as the ‘inferior race’ from assimilating with those believed as superior or Aryan, gifted above all other races – thus effectively reducing the contamination of their gene pool. The notion wa s justified as it was seen to be employing ‘the laws of nature’, as outlined by Hitler in his political autobiography, Mein Kampf or translated to ‘My Struggle’ in which he stated that through the evolution of life, natural selection favoured the breeding of superior organisms and subsequently races. â€Å"No more than Nature desires the mating of weaker with stronger individuals, even less does she desire the blending of a higher with a lower race, since, if she did, her whole work of higher breeding, over perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years, night be ruined with one blow† [ 4 ]  . As such, Hitler who came to power in 1933, by this time he had been undoubtedly convinced that he had found the solution for a better future for the Aryan race as he believed that a person’s characteristics, attitudes, abilities, and behaviour were determined by his or her so-called racial makeup† [ 5 ]  and thus also determined whether or n ot their loyalties lied with Germany. Therefore by intermingling with those believed to be of inferiority; Hitler and the Nazi’s viewed this as the dilution of ideal characteristics and the inconceivable distribution of poisonous genes, with dire consequences to those judged superior. â€Å"à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood. The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
History of Immigration in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History of Immigration in the US - Essay Example There are negative aspects to having such an ethnically diverse population, such as racism and social class boundaries drawn along racial lines; African Americans, for example, generally earn less than their Caucasian counterparts. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the history of immigration has shaped the United States and how it affects the population. The first immigration can be said to be one of the most important. As previously mentioned, the Western Europeans brought with them African slaves, and it is perhaps partly due to the lingering thought that African Americans are associated with this slave trade that draws one of the most important cultural boundaries. African Americans experience high levels of racism, as evidenced by the presence of ‘Christian’ groups such as the KKK who continue to exist in the U.S. today and work towards ethnically cleansing the country. African Americans earn less and are frequently found in the most deprived areas, suggest ing that there is still a lot of work to be done to counteract this earlier negativity. Another important aspect of this first wave of immigration is the treatment of the Native Americans who were already residing in the area. The white colonists felt that the native groups were in many ways inferior, as well as bringing with them several infectious diseases that were problematic. This led to a large decrease in the number of Native Americans residing in the United States and forceful land-grabbing ensuring that these people could no longer live their traditional lifestyles. Again, Native Americans suffer from racism and economic problems, which could be seen as a result of this earlier cultural boundary drawn by the colonists. In the 19th century, the Western Europeans again began to migrate en-masse to the United States. Two important cultural groups arriving with this wave were the Germans and the Irish, both leaving their home countries because of unfavourable conditions there a nd the promise of the American Dream. The Nativist/Know Nothing movement strongly opposed these immigrations because it was felt that they could disrupt the social balance of the country. Importantly, the Irish immigrants were predominantly Catholic and it was felt that, because they were under the control of the Pope in Rome, there would be an upheaval of the style of Christianity already established in the U.S. The 19th century also saw the passing of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which said that there were only to be a certain number of Chinese immigrants into the country. At first, Chinese immigrants were seen as important to the economy of the United States but after the economic situation improved, they began to be blamed for white unemployment. There was often violence against the Chinese in California because of the passing of this act. This era also saw the mass immigration of Polish Jews attempting to escape the Russian empire and religious persecution, and these people were again generally refused entry after the immigration quota was reached. Racism was, and still is, an important issue for the Chinese and Jewish people, perhaps because of their treatment during this time. In conclusion, it is easy to see how the United States has become such an ethnically diverse country and how these different events have shaped the racial landscape of the country. Many of these immigration events, and those that came after, still have an
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