Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Great War Was Not A White Man s War - 1141 Words
The only roaring that came from minorities in the 1920s were roars against the injustice they faced. The Great War was deemed a white man’s war, which impeccably illustrated society’s opinion of people of colour and women’s worth in this decade. After a period of such trauma, one would think that Canada would have become united, but this was not the case. Minorities experienced the twenties much differently than those who remember the decade as exciting. For instance, aboriginal people were expected to give up their cultures and assimilate into mainstream society. Also, the Klu Klux Klan had made its way to Canada, which threatened immigrants and people from foreign ethnicities. Finally, women spent the decade struggling for equality with†¦show more content†¦Duncan Campbell Scott, Head of Indian Affairs Canada from 1913-1932, spoke for many when he said, â€Å"I want to get rid of the Indian problem. Our object is to continue until there is not a singl e Indian in Canada who has not been absorbed. They are a weird and waning race†¦ ready to break out at any moment in†¦ dances.†(Quinlan et al#######) Additionally, native children in residential schools were not allowed to refer to their own cultures in any way, especially through language. The only language they were allowed to speak was English, a language that none of them knew. If caught, the children were severely punished. Many children experienced physical, sexual and emotional abuse while in residential school. Brenda Cardinal, an aboriginal who once had to stay in residential school, describes how school affected her, â€Å"I became withdrawn, painfully shy, and I just couldn’t communicate with anyone. I couldn’t receive love or show anyone love. I didn’t even love myself.†(qtd in Freeman-Shaw, Haskings-Winner 38) Residential schools had a very negative impact on those who went through the horrible experiences and many of these former students do not have positive stories to share. By the end of the 1920s, there were eighty residential schools in Canada. The forced assimilation of native children had greatly impacted those who went to residential school and will always remain as a dark shadow cast on Canada’s history. In addition, the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) made its way to
Monday, December 16, 2019
Looking at THE MATRIX Films Free Essays
When Robert Gibson created the science-fiction subgenre known as â€Å"cyber-punk†in the novel NEUROMANCER most people had high hopes for this literary movement. This was because the concept of a technologically advanced corporatist dark future had a sense of realism that STAR TREK and STAR WARS missed. Yet, cinematic endeavors in cyber-punk never truly succeeded. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking at THE MATRIX Films or any similar topic only for you Order Now Then, along came THE MATRIX which remains one of the most brilliant of the realistic science-fiction films ever devised. Created by Larry and Andy Wachowski, the plot of THE MATRIX centers on a world where humans live in an internal pseudo-reality world where life is crafted to perfection. When the hero, Neo, discovers this he launches a rebellion against the machines that have placed humans into a suspended animation sleep. At the core of this rebellion is the theme of the film: if reality is not reality then does it have any value? This can be seen as a metaphor for a number of ways in which humans numb themselves into alternative realities whether it is drugs, videogames, consumer culture et al. As such, THE MATRIX was the right movie for the right time and it has become a science-fiction masterpiece with millions of fans. It would be difficult to discuss THE MATRIX without discussing the world in which the story takes place. (That is, THE MATRIX itself) Probably the most difficult aspect of creating science-fiction is making a believable world. Often, science-fiction crafts worlds that while entertaining simply aren’t believable. This detracts greatly from the ability for the film to work. In THE MATRIX, we have an incredibly believable world because the â€Å"the world†exists almost exclusively in the mind. As such, the viewer becomes drawn into the story because there exist some credibility to the fact that the world of THE MATRIX could actually exist. This is the brilliance of THE MATRIX and what makes it such a classic work. THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS is the third film in THE MATRIX TRILOGY (The less said about the second film the better) and it is a sweeping action-adventure film that seeks to bring a final conclusion to the series. The goal of the film is the same as the original film: dissolve alternative reality and bring humans to their original state. This is what makes THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS such an excellent film. It centers on the notion of revolutionary struggle for a good cause. In a way, one could even see parallels to the American Revolution and other colonial liberation struggles and struggles against totalitarianism. As such, THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS becomes a thrilling and engaging film that taps into the natural human sentiment to be free. Yes, it takes place in a fantastic world but this does not make the film any less â€Å"real’. Well, perhaps this is not 100% accurate. If there ever was a major flaw found in THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS it would be that the world of the story deviates from the earthen realness of the original film and delves into the â€Å"space opera†genre. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach although it does make the themes of the film less striking. However, the themes of â€Å"what makes a human†remain as the central focus of the film never deviates from the human struggle for self-actualization. That is a powerful theme no matter how it is presented. Personally, I found the first film in the trilogy to be a brilliant exercise in science-fiction mainly because its mix of realism and surrealism made the film a unique experience. The shift to action-adventure in the third film was somewhat disappointing but the film was still a quality work. Ultimately, it is the themes that appealed to me the greatest and this is why I consider these two films seminal works in the science-fiction genre. Bibliography Hanley, Richard. (2006) â€Å"The Philosophy of THE MATRIX.†Retrieved April 15, 2008 from           http://www.onwardoverland.com/matrix/philosophy.html#reflect Takle, Brian. (2006) THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS EXPLAINED. Retrieved April 15,       2008, from http://wylfing.net/essays/matrix_revolutions.html How to cite Looking at THE MATRIX Films, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay, Research Paper Legalization of Marijuana During the Carter, Reagan, and Bush disposals, eight people in the United States were allowed to utilize marihuana for medicative intents under the Compassionate Investigative New Drug plan. However, since the Clinton disposal no new applications have been accepted. Therefore, other patients who need marihuanas to relieve the sickness and loss of appetency associated with the AIDS viruses and malignant neoplastic disease chemotherapy, every bit good as to handle glaucoma, multiple induration, epilepsy, chronic hurting, and other complaints must go on to endure without the usage of marihuana. Is this just? What could the concluding behind this gratuitous agony perchance be? I thought that one of the intents of authorities was to advance the wellbeing of its persons. Is that non why our state spends one million millions of dollars towards promotions in medical specialty every twelvemonth? So, why aren? T at that place any FDA approved surveies proving the existent effectivity of marihuana in advancement? If it is proved that marihuana does so assist ease the hurting and agony of these hapless people, so why non let it to be prescribed to assist them. We will write a custom essay sample on Legalization Of Medicinal Marijuana Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is illegal to devour any prescription drug non prescribed to you. Which makes all prescription drugs illegal, how is this different from marihuana? Certain it may be hooking, but so can caffeine pills. Certain it may be harmful if person misuses it, but so can Ritalin. I merely do non understand how ordering a drug to assist person could be harmful. The least the authorities could make is research the topic a little more. Alternatively, they seem to be making the antonym. In 1994, The Assistant Secretary for Health postponed the concluding meeting that would hold decided whether the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would necessitate government-grown marihuanas to be used in the first medicinal marihuanas research undertaking in over a decennary. The authorities seems to hold no jobs collaring ill people for utilizing marihuana, stating them that there has non been adequate research to verify its medical benefits. However, they are making nil to help in the surveies. A little non-profit organisation called MAPS has been working for two old ages to raise money, develop survey protocols, and obtaining the Food and Drug Administrations blessing for the survey of marihuana. Merely one thing holds them back. They have no legal manner of obtaining marihuana, and the authorities will non give it to them. If a medical missionary in the Rain Forest proclaimed that she had found a new miracle drug to assist ease the hurting of many sick persons, you can vouch that a authorities approved survey would be launched about outright. How is that any different than marihuana? Why is Clinton so anti-marijuana? # 8220 ; The Clinton disposal is seemingly so afraid of being associated with the # 8216 ; M # 8217 ; word that they are even willing to barricade research that could protract AIDS patients # 8217 ; lives, # 8221 ; stated a interpreter for the MAPS organisation. A canvass showed that a humongous sum of 65.5 % of California? s registered electors back up the legalisation of marihuana for medicative intents. Not merely do the citizens support the research, but many Congressmans support it besides. ? I continue to believe that those who can profit from the medical usage of marihuana should be able to acquire the drug when prescribed, ? said U.S. Representative Gary Ackerman. ? I portion your support for the medical usage of government-supplied marihuanas and understand the potency to ease the side effects of many diseases and unwellnesss, including AIDS, ? said U.S. Senator John Glenn. So, if the Senators, Representatives, and the Citizens are all in support of medicative marihuana research, why is nil being done?
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