Sunday, May 10, 2020
Alternative Health Care Essays - 960 Words
Alternative Health Care Alternative health cares, also known as holistic or homeopathic care, are countless ways of unconventional health care approaches to healing and improving illnesses. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered homeopathy in the early 1800s. He was sick of the art of medicine practiced in his time; he said it was barbaric. He knew there had to be alternatives so, like any devoted science lover would do, he experimented on himself and his friends. Hahnemann found that large dosages of herbs increased symptoms so he decreased the dosage and found that the symptoms decreased and usually ceased (Smith 10). Homeopathy became popular in the nineteenth century. This may be accounted for because most patients at that time†¦show more content†¦When someone chooses alternative care he must take into consideration its dangers. One could actually overdose on vitamins or misuse herbal therapies. Instead of feeling better, I felt increasingly worse, like a spaced out zombie complained Carol Co peland, a former holistic patient who almost lost her life to cancer because her homeopathic physicians were too proud to think they were wrong thus they neglected an ovarian cyst (Copeland 104 Wekesser 95). Another problem with these unconventional health care alternatives is that they give false relief. What this means is that when someone uses a holistic remedy and then feels relief he tends to credit the remedy. This method does not hold water because most ailments resolve themselves (headache for example). Nevertheless, holistic medicine has strengths. One, it recognizes the psychological, environmental and social aspects of illness. Two, it involves the patient in his own treatment with activities etc... And three, it emphasizes preventive medicine as its base (holistic). Holistic medicine is a practice of health cares that that emphasizes treatment of the entire patients body, mind and spirit. Homeopathic care, compared to allopathic is expensive. There are no doct ors visits or expensive antibiotic prescriptions necessary. This is not to say that doctors are not useful; obviously, if there were a serious injury one should not hesitate to go to a medical (allopathic) doctor (SmithShow MoreRelatedAlternative Health Care Plans Throughout the World Essay871 Words  | 4 PagesIn the book, the author Reid discusses the different alternatives and models in healthcare provision that have been embraced by different countries around the world. For America in particular, the author holds the idea that the healthcare system is disastrous and explores other alternatives that can serve as better choices. 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